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The OLMC 2021 - 2025 Strategic Vision focuses on who we are, what we value and who we are becoming. As a dynamic learning community we are committed to our Catholic faith and our Mercy charism. Accordingly, we value excellence in all that we do and strive to become as a Mercy community.
OLMC will always be a future-focused community. It is incumbent upon all of us to contribute to the best of our ability to this vision and in as many ways as possible. The College Leadership Team is committed to serving the OLMC community and to recognising and implementing actions that will allow us all to be “courageous advocates” who are open to and who embrace “limitless possibilities.” Our 2021 - 2025 Strategic Vision identifies five core pillars for Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta. The five pillars are interlinked and each is vital to activating and achieving the Strategic Vision. Annually there will be a specific focus on one pillar, which activates concurrently with the remaining four pillars.
The College Leadership Team will strive loyally and compassionately to activate these pillars in a reflective process that guarantees responsible stewardship and that ensures the dignity of all remains paramount. Collaboration, curiosity and conviction will be key to our success. Our Strategic Vision will be a dynamic document, and its activation will be evaluated and evolving during its currency. We are a strong and vibrant Mercy community and we are dedicated to our ministry as Mercy educators, in the spirit of Catherine McAuley and always striving to be:
“Courageous Advocates. Limitless Possibilities.”
Our Lady of Mercy College, Parramatta Leadership Team
November 2020
The formation of students is central to a Mercy education. Mercy values and Catholic identity underpin how we speak and act in our Community.
We strive for excellence across both curricular and co-curricular educational opportunities.
Our students are challenged through rich learning experiences, which support them to grow, accounting for their individual starting points.
Our culture is shaped by a vibrant staff who recognise opportunities for growth and continuously strive to improve their individual and collective performance.
We value a highly engaged community aligned to Mercy values. Members of our community are dedicated, collaborative and supportive partners.
Responsible stewardship will support growth and long-term financial viability. We will invest in people, programs, facilities and green initiatives in a fiscally responsible manner.