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Our master planning process is thoughtful and ambitious, keeping a clear focus on the ultimate aim of further enhancing the student experience for our Mercy Girls.
The opening of the Ailsa Mackinnon Community Centre in early 2017 marked the end of an ambitious Master Plan which began in 2008 and saw the building of the Janet Woods Building and the creation of the Barbara McDonough Student Centre and the Christina Creede Music Centre.
The Master Plan process began in 2018. Key stakeholders were consulted and a Sustainability Consultant was engaged to provide a ‘Roadmap for Sustainability’ that would guide College operations, pedagogy and future building developments.
In November 2018, Mayoh Architects were appointed following a Design Competition. The 2018 - 2028 Master Plan will provide a combination of upgraded and new facilities for Teaching and Learning that are contemporary, flexible, and that facilitate the "Transforming Learning" College Framework. A variety of proposed refurbishments and new works will improve circulation and way-finding through the campus, provide new areas of open space and greenery, and enhance the historic elements of the site.
The overall Master Plan Design Concept aims to transform the campus into a "Vibrant, Dynamic and Connected Oasis of Learning."
View the Master Plan Brochure here.
Phase One of the Master Plan was opened in 2023. The Brigid Shelly Building Northern Wing was replaced with flexible, contemporary General Learning Areas, featuring a variety of breakout, classroom, and individual study areas, as well as a tiered presentation space on the Ground Floor.
The addition is arranged around a central courtyard that allows natural light and air to circulate throughout the building. The teaching and learning environments are light-filled, flexible, technology-enabled, naturally ventilated and have strong visual links to the landscape beyond.
For further information regarding the Master Plan, please view the videos below: